Salesforce FAQ, SFDC Interview Questions – Part 5.

Salesforce interview Question asked in 2014 and 2015 in different companies.

Huge number of candidates are searching for Salesforce Interview Questions and Salesforce FAQ. Every candidate can download Salesforce FAQ with answers in PDF format. provides latest sfdc interview question asked in different companies.

51. Can we create a user without assigning the profile?

No, because while creating the user, selection of profiles is mandatory thing.

52. How many ways we can make a filed required?

There are three ways to make a filed required. They are

  1. While creating a filed.
  2. Using Page Layout and using Validation Rules.
  3. FLS(doubt).

53. How many ways we can create visualforce page?

There are two ways to create a visualforce page. They are

  1. By using the URL.
  2. By using the path setup=> Develop=> Pages.

54. What are the assignment Rules?

Assignment Rules are used to automate organization’s lead generation and support processes.

  • Lead Assignment Rules specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from the web, or imported via the lead import wizard.
  • Case Assignment Rules determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created manually, using Web-to-Case.

55. What are the types of Relationships?

  1. Master- Detail.
  2. Lookup.
  3. Many to Many.
  4. Hierarchical.

56. Can we delete the user from Salesforce?

As per now, Salesforce does not allow to delete any user, how ever we can deactivate the user.

57. How to create the Many to Many relationships between object?

Create one custom object, which should have auto number as unique identification and create two Master- Detail relationships for this object. And this Object is called as Junction object.

58. What is Cross Object Formula?

Cross-Object Formula can reference merge fields from a master(“parent”) object if an object is on the detail side of a master-details relationship. We can reference fields from object that are up to ten relationships. We can able to insert related Object data into a formula.

59. How to hide a tab for an User?

By Profiles we can hide a tab from a user.

Use “Tab Hidden” setting for Tab Hide.

60. What is an External ID?

External ID are used when we interacting with a external systems. It will act as unique identifier. We can define 3 external ID fields per object. These are the data types of fields.

  • Number.
  • Text.
  • Email.

Bookmark our website to check salesforce FAQ with answers, Salesforce FAQ in 2014, Salesforce FAQ in 2015, Salesforce FAQ questions with answers 2014, Salesforce answers, Salesforce interview questions for admin, Salesforce interview questions for developers.