Visualforce Components list | Visualforce Tags

In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about How to create first Visualforce page. In this Salesforce Training  Tutorial we are going to learn about list of all Visualforce components used in salesforce.

Why visualforce tags are used ?

Visualforce tags are used to build high quality application by developers. Visualforce tags are easy to remember when compared with .net.

Visualforce tags can be divided to different types. They are

  • Input tags.
  • Out put tags.
  • Select tags.
  • Form tags.
  • page tags.
  • action tags.
  • Style tags.
  • other.
  Input tags
   Output Tags       Select Tags                       
<apex:inputcheckbox> <apex:output Field> <apex:selectioncheckbox>
<apex:inputField> <apex:output label> <apex:selection list>
<apex:input File> <apex:output link> <apex:selectoption>
<apex:inputHidden> <apex:output panel> <apex:select Radio>
<apex:inputsecret> <apex:input text> <apex:variable>
 <apex:input text> <apex:vote>

Visualforce Input Field Tags

  1. <apex:inputcheckbox>
  2. <apex:inputField>
  3. <apex:input File>
  4. <apex:inputHidden>
  5. <apex:inputsecret>
  6. <apex:input text area>.
  7. <apex:input text>

Visualforce  Output field Tags.

  1. <apex:output Field>
  2. <apex:output label>
  3. <apex:output link>
  4. <apex:output panel>
  5. <apex:output text>

Select Tags.

  1. <apex:selectioncheckbox>
  2. <apex:selection list>
  3. <apex:selectoption>
  4. <apex:select Radio>
  5. <apex:variable>
  6. <apex:vote>

Visualforce  Action component tags.

  1. <apex:commandbutton>
  2. <apex:commandline>
  3. <apex:actionpoller>
  4. <apex:actionSupport>
  5. <apex:actionfunction>
  6. <apex:actionRegion>

Visualforce Page tags

  1. <apex:page>
  2. <apex:pageBlock>
  3. <apex:pageBlockButtons>
  4. <apex:pageBlockSectionItem>
  5. <apex:pageBlocktable>
  6. <apex:pageMessage>

Other Visualforce tags.

  1. <apex:form>
  2. <apex:column>
  3. <apex:tabpanel>
  4. <apex:tab>
  5. <apex:toolbar>
  6. <apex:toolbarGroup>
  7. <apex:Messages>
  8. <apex:panelBar>
  9. <apex:panelbarItem>
  10. <apex:panelGrid>
  11. <apex:panelGroup>
  12. <apex:param>
  13. <apex:repeat>
  14. <apex:facet>
  15. <apex:detail>

Like these Visualforce components list there are nearly 90 tags are available for Visualforce pages. Each and every Visualforce tag will be described in our next salesforce Training Tutorials. Generally Visualforce page consists of two elements. They are

  • Visualforce markup.
  • Visualforce Controller.

Visualforce markup :- In visualforce markup we write all tags, java script, HTML between <apex:page> and </apex:page>.

Visualforce Controller :- Visualforce Controller consists of set of instruction. Here it contains Getter() method.