Administrator cannot setup debug logs for Certain Users

In winter ’14 administration cannot setup debug logs for Certain Users (Ex: Partner User) and work around for this is just do the following steps.

  • Get the id of the user which you want to add in Debug Logs  (userId)
  • Login in to workbench (
  • Click on REST Explorer under Utilities
  • select the GET and run the below query on and click on execute

/services/data/v29.0/tooling/query/?q=SELECT%20Id%20FROM%20TraceFlag where TracedEntityId = ‘userId’

  • GET the Trace flag Id

  •  Click on records Folder and get the copy the traceFlagId  (traceFlagId)
  • Select DELETE method and run the below query/services/data/v29.0/tooling/sobjects/TraceFlag/traceFlagId
  • Now you try to add the user in debug log as follows
  • setup -> Monitor -> Logs -> Debug logs -> Click on new and add the user.