Salesforce login password policies

In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about how to filter report data to limit add rows. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about Salesforce login password policies like number of days to expire salesforce login password, Salesforce login password history, Salesforce login password length settings, Maximum invalid login attempts.

Salesforce login password policies

Salesforce login password policies are those setting different salesforce login settings to provide high security settings like password expire days, specifying the time range to login for all users, number of login attempts and lockout periods.

Go to Setup.

 Now go to Administer=>Security controls=>Password Policies.

 Now we are taken to new window which is shown below.

 Salesforce login password policies setting page consists of different fields. They are

  • User passwords expires in.
  • Enforce password history.
  • Minimum password length.
  • Password complexity requirement.
  • Password question requirement.
  • Minimum invalid login attempts.
  • Lockout effective period.
  • Obscure secret answer for password resets.
  • Require a minimum 1 day password lifetime.

User passwords expires in :-  Here we to mention the number of days that the password to exist. After the expire date we have to set new password. Default password expire duration is 90 days.

Enforce password History :-  This option is for remembering previous salesforce login passwords. We have to set unique and new login passwords every time we reset login password. Default is 3 passwords.

Minimum Password Length :- Minimum password length must be 8 characters.

Password complexity :- We have to different complexity levels for settings passwords.

Password question requirement :- Here we set password hint question to remind us in any case the password is forgotten. We can not set password hint question to as “PASSWORD”.

Maximum invalid login attempts :- We can set login invalid attempts to 3, 5, 10. We can also set to no limit.

Lockout effective period :– If the users account is locked out due to invalid attempts the user must wait until this lockout effective period time.

Enter all the details as given above and click on Save button.