Campaign settings in salesforce : In our previous salesforce tutorial we have learned about how to plan campaigning in salesforce. In this CRM salesforce training tutorial we are going to learn about Campaign settings in salesforce . Configuring different  campaign settings in salesforce management makes us to identify who should have access to campaigns.

Campaign settings in salesforce

In salesforce, User must have Marketing User licence to create, edit , delete and advanced campaigning configurations. Campaign  settings in salesforce must be made as shown below.

Configuring Campaign settings in salesforce

We can use standard fields for campaign and campaign member objects to create new custom fields in salesforce. Different types of standard fields that are present in campaign object are:

Field                    Type
Campaign Name  Text
Type Picklist
Status Picklist
Start Date Date
End Date Date
Expected Revenue Currency
Budgeted Cost Currency
Actual cost Currency
Expected Response Percentage
Num Sent Number
Active Check box
Description Long Text Area
Total Leads Number
Total Contracts Number
Converted Leads Number
Total Responses Number
Total value opportunities Currency
Total value won opportunities Currency

Go to Setup=> Customize=>Campaigns=>Fields.

Configuring Campaign settings in salesforce

Standard Campaign member fields in salesforce.

  1. Campaign.
  2. Contract.
  3. Lead.
  4. Status.

The complete set of fields will be accessed from the following path  Setup=>Customize=>Campaigns=>Campaign Members=>Fields.

These are the settings for salesforce campaign object. In our next salesforce tutorial we will learn about How to create salesforce campaign.